
iz. Informatika-erabiltzaile adituen arteko hizkeran, haiek bezainbesteko ezagutza informatikoak ez dituen erabiltzaile arrunta. Ingelesezko looser (galtzaile, frakasatu) eta user (erabiltzaile) batzetik sortua. (Hiztegi Batua)

Wikipedia (gazt.)

Luser, castellanizado Lúser, contracción del inglés entre loser (perdedor, fracasado) y user (usuario), es un término utilizado por hackers y BOFHs para referirse a los usuarios comunes (local users en inglés o l-users, de ahí el término), de manera despectiva y como burla. “Luser” es el usuario común, que generalmente se encuentra en desventaja frente a los usuarios expertos, quienes pueden controlar todos los aspectos de un sistema.

Wikipedia (ing.)

Internet slang prior to the popularization of the Internet in the late 1990’s, defined a luser (sometimes expanded to local user; also luzer or luzzer) as a painfully annoying, stupid, or irritating computer user. The word is a blend of “loser” and “user”.Among hackers, the word luser takes on a broad meaning, referring to any normal user (in other words, not a “guru”), with the implication the person is also a loser. The term is partially interchangeable with the hacker term lamer.

It can also signify a layman with only user account privileges, as opposed to a power user or administrator, who has knowledge of, and access to, superuser accounts; for example, an end luser who cannot be trusted with a root account for system administration. This term is popular with technical support staff who have to deal with lusers as part of their job, often metaphorically employing a LART (Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool, also known as a clue-by-four, cluestick, or cluebat), meaning turning off the user’s access to computer resources and the like.

Beste hizkuntza batzuetan (Elhuyar eta Word Reference hiztegiak):

es luser
fr luser
en luser
port luser

Garbi ikusi zuten hasieratik nire lagun informatikariek: luser bat zen.

luser (Gaurko hitza, Domeinu Publikoa)